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Meet the experienced and friendly dentist and staff who make Mountain Vista Dental Care the leading provider of oral hygiene and personalized dental services in San Tan Valley.

Dr. Jonathon Edwards

Dr. Jonathon Edwards earned his dental degree from Case Western University. He is originally from Central Alberta, Canada & has been practicing dentistry since 2004. He loves bringing comfort & smiles through oral health care. He is dedicated to making the dental experience as easy as possible for people in the community. When not in the office, he volunteers with youth programs, enjoys hiking, running, reading & watching his children’s arts & sports events.

Dr. Michael Lukavsky

Dr. Michael Lukavsky was born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. He studied Human Nutrition while attending Arizona State University and went on to receive his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree at the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health.

Ever since Dr. Lukavsky was a teenager, he has volunteered in Mexico to help the underserved and that is when he first knew he wanted to be a dentist. Since then, he continues to volunteer here in Arizona with events such as Special Olympics and Mission of Mercy.

He is passionate about providing the best care he can for his patients and ensures that they always feel comfortable in the chair. It is his priority to stay up to date on the latest dental technology and his goal is to give everyone the confidence to smile.

Dr. Lukavsky loves kayaking and hiking with his wife Erika and son, Isaiah. He also likes to spend time playing the guitar, working on his 1964 Cadillac Deville, and playing soccer.